Zovum is an intergovernmental organization that supports world wide police cooperation and crime control through innovative solutions utilizing AI Technology.
Year 20XX the world has advanced to a scenery where human-like androids live in a cooperative manner with humans to enrich daily activity. AI Androids are designed to work harmoniously with humans, holding an improved physicality very similar to humans at first glance and having the ability to scan, process and execute certain physical actions when ordered.
Additionally, the androids hold a far more enriched intellect with mental capacities, and are programmed to stay fully loyal to commands by its’ owners. However, simultaneously crimes utilizing the loyalty and intellect of these androids has peaked at an exponential rate facilitating high-degree crimes including human trafficking, terrorism, drug transport, cybercrime and environmental crimes, due to technological advancement where the human mind may no longer keep up with the level of intelligence and frequency in corruption.
AI androids, carrying a far more enriched intellect with mental capabilities have been researched by inter-governmental research organizations in Europe such as CERN and the IPAI (International Panel on Artificial Intelligence) in order to incorporate artificial intelligence into police forces and security purposes to make the world the safest it can be.
Within Zovum, all police officers along with AI androids work in the same location. Synergy between the cloud and human cognition is crucial in investigation and hunt.
Shrewd and Loyal with a touch of Translucency
This brand concept explores an identity that crosses a fine line between justice and injustice, where too strong of a power and authority may lead to skepticism and translucency.
The identity system is created to support fluid identification and communication. Each department of the office is designated a personal icon, shedding light to each and every role of the department.
Police Uniforms
All police uniforms are designed to supply maximum airflow, bullet protection and luminescent neon lighting when activated in the dark allowing easily identification.