A Passport to Happiness

As a novice traveler, we may be worried of being alone, not knowing anyone or not being able to speak the language. Nonetheless, we figure out early that travelling and forcing ourselves to explore new environments and cultures allows us to connect with new cultures smoother than expected; Just share a Coca-Cola and have a good time!

As a catalyst for social interactions, we want to highlight how Coca-Cola plays a role in connecting language and cultural barriers; a true universal language where people can celebrate humanity and take weight off their shoulders when sharing a bottle

All scenes were modeled, textured and rigged aimed to capture the essence of traveling through various cultures whilst maintaining the spark of Coca-Cola’s brand look. The 3D worlds were drafted originally in illustrator which was brought to life through Cinema 4D, Adobe Aftereffects and Premiere.

Process : Ideation/Mood Boarding, Storyboarding, Drafting (Illustrator), Style Framing, Production, Post Production, Revisions

Production Skills : Modeling, Texturing, Animation, Compositing

Programs Used : Maxon Cinema 4D, Redshift, Octane Renderer, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Aftereffects

Special Thanks

Michael Ryfinsky (Animation Lead and Supervisor)