
Fugu refers to pufferfish in Japan and has been considered a luxury cuisine in Japan since the Jomon Period (c. 14,000–300 BCE). Pufferfishes contain a very deadly toxin “Tetrodotoxin”, so lethally poisonous that one pufferfish could lead multiple adults to death within the span of 6 hours.

It may seem quite intimidating for one to try out the dish for the first time, yet there is very little to worry of actual health precautions as all Fugu chefs in Japan must go through rigorous training under a master for minimum 2 years to receive a professional license before a single touch of the pufferfish.

Hiki is a Fugu restaurant concept aimed to redefine the experience of consuming pufferfish and explore how we could change one’s perspective on such a harmful fish.

Fugu Sashimi (Fugusashi)



Rather than looking away, our dishes will poetically communicate poison as an essential component of the dish, providing contrast and balance to the experience. Just like how light and shadow cannot exist without each other, the poison serves to validate the identity of the remaining meat. It is what makes the eating experience so memorable and special—because without it, fugu will just be an ordinary fish.

Of course for your safety, all poison is fully extracted from the food—however, the afterglow of the poison continues to be an integral part of the aesthetic and conceptual approach to the entire eating experience of the restaurant.


Web Identity Design


In modern times, initial perceptions play a pivotal role in determining the selection of a restaurant. Such decisions are greatly influenced by the extent to which a restaurant's website transparently and reliably communicates its position in the market. The website, therefore, assumes a critical role as a key component of the brand package, reflecting the minimalist and zen-inspired tone of Hiki.